Monday, April 2, 2012

Pictures? Yeah, Pictures are good.

It has been bought to my attention that my blog is lacking pictures, what have I been thinking?! Here are some pics of my Tanzanian journey over the last 6 months.

This is my host family! They took care of me my first 9 weeks in country when I was Swahili-less ha, they thought me how to sweep (yea, it's different here) , how to do weird things with a bucket such as bathe and wash clothes and how to cook with the interesting little thing called a jiko
This is a jiko
This is me with my CBT....the people I spent 8 hours a day with 6 days a week in a 100+  degree room learning Swahili and all about Tanzanian culture. We became really close really quickly, they are my family.

Love these girls! Training was quite the experience, oh yea it was.
My host Mama and I sporting our gowns

Baobab tress are cool

My favorite tree! This picture barely does it justice. This was the week during training we got to shadow a current PCV.

MY host brother (far left) and his cousins. I love these kids, they taught me how to count in Swahili and all of the animal names. They even took me to meet the neighbors monkey.

 Another pic of my CBT, on Thanksgiving along with our teacher

My sitemates!! We are perfect for each other. My family keeps growing

My home for the next 2 years

The end, for now.