Not too much has been going on lately. A couple other volunteers came to my village to celebrate Eid-ul-fitr which is the last day of Ramadan.We ate A LOT and everyone was so clean and dressed up. I have never seen the kids in my village so clean! It was pretty awesome. We also taught my counterpart and his friend how to do the electric slide.Tanzanians love to line dance! That was def not something I was expecting. We went to a cub one night and they did this line dance for a good hour and I was all over it, it was really fun. School has been on break the last month so I haven't been teaching and since a lot of the students travel during break my kickball club has been on hold and we also arent starting Zinduka until school starts back up.So I have been helping out at the clinic a lot and just spending one on one time with people who want to talk about anything health related. I also received Harry Potter books 4-6 in he mail so those have been helping me through all my free time. I love the dreams I have while reading those books, who wants to wake up from flying around on a broomstick?
I have also been sick this past week and while being sick anywhere sucks being sick here really makes me miss little convinces like speaking English, using a fan, cvs pharmacy, a real flushing toilet inside the house...chicken noodle soup. If I want chicken noodle soup first I would need to find and kill the chicken, make the noodles catch my drift. Anyways school starts back up next week and I'm going to start teaching about HIV/AIDs,STDs etc. It will go hand in hand with starting Zinduka(explained in a previous blog) as well! I am happy for school to start back up, I like being busy!