Friday, June 3, 2011

Invite in the mail!!

AHHHHHHHH!! That is how I feel right now! My placement specialist e-mailed me yesterday and set up a 10:30am phone interview for today. At 10:30, as I nervously paced around my apartment making sure my phone had service, all I could think was budget cuts....budget wait, think positively! Well, I got the call around 10:45, she mentioned how a lot of youth and development programs are getting cut but with all my HIV volunteering experience that I qualify for a Health extension program in Sub-Saharan Africa. Wait! Sorry, my brain is scattered- first she asked me things like what will the biggest obstacle to overcome , about covering my tattoos, dying my hair a normal color (I have bright red highlights now) and what I have been doing to prepare...THEN she went on to what I am qualified for. Anyways, I am leaving the first week of October for Africa!!! Nothing is on PC wiki timeline for the first week of October yet, so I have no idea where I am going! More to come!!! AHHHHHH


  1. Congrats and best wishes in everything to come.

  2. I'm so happy for you Maria!!! I checked PC Wiki too to see if I could figured it out, but know that I'm super excited for you :-) Congratulations and I can't wait to hear about your invite!
