Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How do people do this in 60 days??

OK, I have months until I leave (October) and feel overwhelmed already! How do people do it in 60 (or is it 90?) days? To everyone that has gotten ready to leave that quickly you are AWESOME. First was the paperwork -passport/visa/aspiration statement,then I started making lists for packing, financial stuff to work out be4 I leave, all the paperwork/money (if any), figuring out how much to take out of my monthly allotment to pay on my credit card and student loan,student loan deferment process and selling/donating most my furniture,clothes bedroom set etc, getting my car signed over to my mom etc etc. However, I defiantly still have plenty of free time to hang with friends and be leisurely, so it's not like I am spending all my time getting things organized. My eye has been twitching fro about a week now, lol. I need to just relax, get organized and handle the process with grace. I am moving in with my brother and sister in law for Aug & Sept to save money, so that's when I'll be able to purchase everything that I need.
On another note is amazing with getting back to you about their discount! I  had a couple of questions and he responds within minutes. I am still waiting to hear back from a couple other websites, mostly ones for shoes. I just made my first big purchase-large pack, day pack, solar charger, fleece, headlamp, sleeping pad, raincoat, money belt and a couple other things. When I get paid next I need to get skirts, shirts, camera, and couple dresses. Well, that is all the yammering I have for now. I have been slacking hardcore with updating my timeline on here, and I could probably "Tanzania"up my blog a bit!


  1. I love backcountry! I haven't bought my stuff from there yet but it's next on my to do list. Where are you getting your clothes from?

  2. I saw some skirts at old navy and forever 21. Idk about dresses, any suggestions? Where are you going & when? =)
